Category «Fără categorie»

Oleg Leviţki, Ghenadie Sîrbu, Livia Sîrbu. The Early Hallstatt settlement in Chişinău: Considerations on the current state and priorities in the research of the Chişinău-Corlăteni culture (the 12th – 10th centuries BC)

The study gives a brief presentation of the investigated complexes and archaeological materials from an Early Hallstatt settlement in Chişinău, which examination allowed establishing the defining parameters for Early Hallstatt monuments from the Dniester-Prut interfluve. Similarity of their ceramic complexes to those from the sites of Corlăteni type in the region of the west of …

Igor’ Bruiako, Dmitrii Kiosak, Iurii Chernienko. On some types of ornaments of Middle – Recent Bronze Age from the south of Eastern Europe

Authors describe a series of bronze pins of Recent Bronze Age and one mould. Four of the published pins are represent the „Hülsenkopfnadeln” type, and other two pieces belong to the type of pins with ring-shaped head. The mould contains negatives of rhomboid and crescent-shaped pendants, awls (perforators), as well as a flat circular object …

Victoria Surdu. Iamnaia culture in the Carpathian-Dniester space: problems and prospects

The theme topic of the article is Iamnaia culture in Carpathian-Dniester. The order is to delineate specific artifacts, chrono­logical limits, spread area and specifying its origin. After a brief history of research conducted in this area, it was outlined basic traits of culture. Regularity combining elements funeral ritual (rectangular or oval pit, position décubitus dorsal, …

Regina Anna Uhl. Die Cucuteni C-Keramik: Forschungsgeschichtliche Aspekte und Perspektiven

Der Begriff der so genannten C-Keramik lässt sich auf Hubert Schmidt zurückführen, der neben bemalter Keramik un­ter anderem auch eine Keramik vom Typ C an der Cucuteni-Cetaţuia definierte. In der Dichotomie zwischen Kulturwandel und Migration wurde die C-Keramik zu Beginn ihrer Erforschung als Indiz auf Wanderungsbewegung sowie einen dadurch stimulierten Kulturwandel und sogar als Beleg …


First name and surname: Ghenadie Sîrbu Scientific degree and scientific/scientific-didactic title / (the date of obtaining thereof): Doctor of Historical Sciences, specialty 613.01 – Archaeology (diploma series DR, no. 385, issued on the “30” December 2019″; Higher education: (graduated higher education institution, period, obtained qualifications). Studies and professional education: 1. 2002-2006 – The Faculty of History …