The paper considers various contradiction issues concerning the main archaeozoological parameters: “number of bones” and “number of individuals”. A method of “minimum number of individuals” based on model of archaeologization process of faunal remains is proposed. The new method permits the calculation of deviation coefficient that represents a difference between the “minimum number of individuals” …
Tamara Nesterova. On the dating of Stone Fortress in Soroca
Fortress Soroca has not an exact date of construction, but the historical and archeological sources indicate the rulers period beginning with Stephen the Great and ending with Petru Rares, opinion that left its mark on the fortress architecture appreciation. A careful examination of the architectural details of the Soroca Fortress, combined with the morphological study …
Svetlana Reabţeva, Lilia Dergaciova. Discussion to the functionality of medieval plates and clasps from the territory of Prut-Dniester region and their possible association with the clothes of caftan type
This article deals with some medieval plates and clasps made from non-ferrous metals and attested in the Prut-Dniester region. On the basis of a big number of analogies, we came to the conclusion that such plates can be considered a double clasp sets for clothes. Most likely, they were created to the clothes of caftan …
Lilia Dergaciova. Moldavian medieval coins from private collections of the Republic of Moldova (IX)
Recently 2013, a collection of about 90 Moldavian coins of 15th century was found in the Edineţ district, Republic of Moldova. We had a possibility to analyze only 33 specimens. All of them are groats, minted in the early reign of Alexander I (1399/1400-1432). On the base of the numismatic material we discuss some specific …
Larisa Ciobanu, Lilia Dergaciova. Jewelleries of the late Roman period originating from the Prut-Dniester region
In the article of hand we presents ten jewelleries from a private collection: gold bucket-shaped pendant, five gold and four silver earrings. Category of archaeological artifacts represents the rare discoveries at sites dating from the late Roman period. It is important to note that such jewelleries (crafted in bronze especially) have been reported in the …
Serghei Agul’nikov. The funeral Complexes of Middle Bronze Age in the basin of Ialpug river
As a result of excavations of Bugeac archaeological expedition in the basin of Ialpug River (steppe zone of the Republic of Moldova) in the period of 1980-1985 have been excavated more than 50 Bronze Age burial mounds. Among the 352 investigated graves, 29 belong to the population of Catacomb culture. The funeral rite and inventory …
Vitalii Rud’. Results of field investigations of the Trypillia culture settlement of Het’manivka I (right bank of the Southern Bug)
In the article the author is published the materials from fieldwork of 2014 on Trypillia site of Het’manivka І, which is located on the right bank of the middle reaches of the Southern Bug. Two buildings with unique interior details (a clay platform on the ground floor and oven hearth) were investigated on the settlement. …
Serghei Covalenco, Serghei Bodean, Veacheslav Bikbaev. Flint Artifacts from Excavations Early Tripolye Settlement of Rogojeni I in 2013
The article is devoted to the flint artifacts early Tripolye settlement Rogojeni I (Precucuteni II), collected in the course of excavations in 2013. Special attention is drawn to the widespread use of the technique by pressure blades produced from conical cores, unlike the technique of striking for massive flakes from flattened cores. The two alternative …
Silviu Oţa, Liana Oţa, Gheorghe Niculescu. A few observations about the workshop no. 3 in the fortress of Cladova (comm. Păuliş, Arad County)
The fortress of Cladova, east of the mouth of the creek Cladova in Mureş River, is placed on the top of a hill. The medieval fortress uses an older earth and wood Dacian fortification. Several medieval workshops, a stone church and two superposed cemeteries were found inside the fortress of Cladova. The dating of the …
Svetlana Reabţeva. On the specific features of Byzantine jewelry of VI–VII centuries
The period of VI-VII centuries is characterized by a large number of Byzantine jewelry productions, many of them are made of gold. The emergence of the Byzantine products in the barbaric environment of Central and Eastern Europe is reflects both the Byzantine imperial ambitions and spread of Christian ideas. Despite the diversity of a set …