Volume XIV, nr. 1 / Volumul XIV, nr. 1 / Tom XIV, nr. 1, 2018

CUPRINS – СОДЕРЖАНИЕ – CONTENTS STUDII – ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ – RESEARCHES Сергей Коваленко, Теодор Обадэ (Кишинэу), Летисия Демэй (Париж). Некоторые итоги исследования «жилых структур» на верхнепалеолитической стоянке Климэуць II в Среднем Поднестровье (pp. 5-12) Валентин Дергачев (Кишинэу). Топоры типа Баниабик-Майкоп-Новосвободная. Историографический обзор (pp. 13-32) Vasile Haheu (Chişinău). Structurile de habitat ale tracilor septentrionali – potenţial şi realităţi …

Volume XIII, nr. 1-2 / Volumul XIII, nr. 1-2 / Tom XIII, nr. 1-2, 2017

CUPRINS – СОДЕРЖАНИЕ – CONTENTS STUDII – ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ – RESEARCHES Николай Анисюткин (Санкт-Петербург). Новые данные о первоначальном заселении Восточно-Европейской равнины в раннем палеолите (pp. 6-15) Сергей Коваленко (Кишинэу), Алиса Ларионова (Санкт-Петербург). Кремневые и обсидиановые икролиты из нижних культурных слоев стоянки позднего палеолита Косэуць (pp. 16-21) Иван Радомский (Киев). Генезис кремневой индустрии Триполья В/І в Среднем …

Volume XII, No. 1-2 / Volumul XII, nr. 1-2 / Том XII, №. 1-2 / 2016

CUPRINS – СОДЕРЖАНИЕ – CONTENTS STUDII – ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ – RESEARCHES Николай Анисюткин (Санкт-Петербург). Дубоссарский раннепалеолитический комплекс на территории Приднестровья (pp. 6-19) Дмитрий Черновол (Киев). Поселение трипольской культуры Бернашевка I  (pp. 20-36) Regina Anna Uhl (Berlin). Textile im IV Jt. v.Chr. und Nachweise für Gewebe aus Petreni in der Moldaurepublik  (pp. 37-43) Eugen Ușurelu (Chișinău). Vârfurile de lance …

Volume XI, No. 1-2 / Volumul XI, nr. 1-2 / Том XI, №. 1-2 / 2015

VOLUMUL INTEGRAL STUDII Regina Anna Uhl (Berlin). Die Cucuteni C-Keramik: Forschungsgeschichtliche Aspekte und Perspektiven (pp. 6-20) Victoria Surdu (Chişinău). Cultura Iamnaia în spaţiul carpato-nistrean: probleme şi perspective (pp.21-26) Игорь Бруяко, Дмитрий Киосак, Юрий Черниенко (Одесса). О некоторых типах украшений эпохи средней – поздней бронзы юга Восточной Европы (pp. 27-46) Oleg Leviţki, Ghenadie Sîrbu, Livia Sîrbu (Chişinău). Aşezarea hallstattiană timpurie Chişinău. …

Angela Simalcsik, Vasilica-Monica Groza. The medieval cemetery from Lozova. 2014 archaeological campaign. Anthropological report

The osteological remains we will refer to were excavated in 2014 from the medieval site at Lozova–La hotar cu Vornicenii (Străşeni County, Republic of Moldova). A number of 25 funerary complexes have been excavated, containing 26 individuals (nine males, eight females and nine of undetermined sex). The deceased were buried according to the traditional Christian …

Ludmila Bacumenco-Pîrnău, Luminiţa Bejenaru. Food in Moldova XIV-XVIII centuries: bio-archaeological considerations

The present study is an introduction to a complex analysis regarding the reconstruction of alimentation and food access of human communities from the area situated at east of the Carpathians between 14th-18th centuries. The proposed bio-archaeological approach is complex and interdisciplinary, as data provided by archeological, archaeozoological archaeobotanical and paleoanthropological research, collated with selected information …

Vladimir Koloda, Roman Croitor. Animal breeding of the Saltov Culture bearers from the forest-steppe part of the Seversky Donets Basin (Ukraine). Part 1

The paper presents a description and analysis of the archaeozoological material from medieval monuments of Saltov Culture (Kharkiv region, Ukraine) in a wide geographical, climatic, cultural, historical, and archaeological context. The proposed statistical, biometric, and demographic analysis of the archaeozoological material reveals a settled character of Saltovian economy and animal husbandry from the forest-steppe zone. …

Valentin Dergachev. A metod of adjustment of “minimum number of individuals”

The paper considers various contradiction issues concerning the main archaeozoological parameters: “number of bones” and “number of individuals”. A method of “minimum number of individuals” based on model of archaeologization process of faunal remains is proposed. The new method permits the calculation of deviation coefficient that represents a difference between the “minimum number of individuals” …

Tamara Nesterova. On the dating of Stone Fortress in Soroca

Fortress Soroca has not an exact date of construction, but the historical and archeological sources indicate the rulers period beginning with Stephen the Great and ending with Petru Rares, opinion that left its mark on the fortress architecture appreciation. A careful examination of the architectural details of the Soroca Fortress, combined with the morphological study …

Svetlana Reabţeva, Lilia Dergaciova. Discussion to the functionality of medieval plates and clasps from the territory of Prut-Dniester region and their possible association with the clothes of caftan type

This article deals with some medieval plates and clasps made from non-ferrous metals and attested in the Prut-Dniester region. On the basis of a big number of analogies, we came to the conclusion that such plates can be considered a double clasp sets for clothes. Most likely, they were created to the clothes of caftan …